Gokhale Education Society founded in 1918 by late Principal T.A. Kulkarni. He was inspired by the great statesman, social reformer, patriot Namdar Gopal Krishna Gokhale.
Great Educationist, Visionary Namdar Gopal Krishna Gokhale believed “Public life must be spiritualized. Love of country must so fill the heart that all else shall appear & as of little moment by its side. A fervent patriotism which rejoices at every opportunity for the motherland, a dough less heart which refuses to be turned back from its object by difficulty or danger, a deep faith in the purpose of providence which nothing can shake,equipped with these the worker must start on his mission and reverently seek the joy which comes of spending oneself in the service of one’s own country.”
A munificent donation received from the great philanthropist and visionaryShriman Hansraj Pragjee Thackersey helped to establish H.P.T Arts College. Change and modernization have been our watchwords. So when the need for a science college was felt, we established one in 1948 and developed it further in 1974 with the help of a generous donation for Shriman Raojisa Yamasa Kshatriya – a leading industrialist of Nashik.