Soonabai Pestonji Hakimji High School, is an Indian school imparting primary & secondary education, located at Bordi, Dist: Thane, Maharashtra State 401 701. The school comes under Maharashtra state SSC board and imparts primary, secondary & higher secondary education in Marathi & Gujarati medium.
Facts & Figures of the School:
Name: Soonabai Pestonji Hakimji High School
Principal: Ms. Asha Vartak
Type: SSC board- Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education
Founded: 11th January 1920
Medium: Marathi, Gujarati, English (Chitre Guruji English high school founded in 1993)
No. of Teachers: 48 (only in highschool- details)
Non-teaching staff: 11
Current Students: 2108
Standard: pre-primary, primary, secondary, higher-secondary high school
-Attached primary Gujarati medium school
-Attached science & commerce junior college.
-Attached 1st to 10th English medium highschool
The education complex of Gokhale Education Society at Bordi has become an ideal centre of education in rural area where students can get opportunity to learn in Marathi, Gujarati & English Medium up to secondary level education and also continue their higher education up to post graduation and diploma courses in Engineering.
Other Vocational Courses:
Social service, School service dept. शालेय सेवा समिती, Agriculture division शेती विभाग ;
Girls guide, scout;
N.C.C. Girls wing 50; boys wing 50;
Naval unit.
- To provide for student, access to Quality education through formal and non-formal streams including autonomous courses and continuing education programmes.
- To provide for youths a wide range of professional and vocational courses to convert oncoming challenge into opportunities.
- To develop scholarship and research aptitude by imparting training in thrust areas particularly with focus on total integral, holistic personality development of learners.
- To inculcate among learners positive, self-concept, awareness of social issues and rights with rational outlook towards society.
- To enhance purposeful education for vocational competence, human values and social responsibility by linking academics with business and corporate world.
- To achive excellence in academic disciplines, extra-curricular activities and extension work and major/minor research work by emphasizing quality of life and living.
- To provide autonomous and continuing programmes to supplement and complement regular and formal courses at board/ university level for developing competencies and capabilities for administration, management and resarch and to have integrated personality development by providing learning through life and learning for life.